And my son just about crapped his pants when he read this one: (There's colourful language, so I put this after the jump. Don't go there if you are offended by the f-bomb...)
Dude, this was fucking amazing. Thank you so much! Because of you, I can now finish my lab. You are a fucking genius. I asked my lab T.A AND the school's tech place and they couldn't help me. Thank you so much. i fucking love your geniusness.
Fuck you Excel. It's passed midnight and I've got a lab report due tomorrow morning at 8AM. Why are you so DAMN complicated?! I just want to make a simple LINE GRAPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the tutorial, by the way.
New note:
OMG, this is so funny - to me, at least. I clicked on MsKTMvalley and the F-you Excel might be considered a tad... disrespectful. The wallpaper on MSKTMvalley is this:
ur voice has a calming effect by the way =)