I'm getting an iPad and was thinking about whether my mother, an avid reader, would do well with something like that. Or a Kobo or Kindle. Then I remember what it's like when the scrabble game on her computer isn't loading fast enough. I get a call: "I don't want to be a bother, but..." and, after I explain that I can get over there after picking up my kids from band practice and get some water boiling for supper, and also get the grades in for class, she'll prod "Well, yes, those are all important things, but if you were just to pop over for a minute, you can do all those things afterwards".
And then when I realize she's off to Arizona tomorrow, I imagine myself trying to talk her through technical assistance on one of those toys. Then I want to cut my wrists. I'll let her stick with the bound book. We'll both be happier.
ur voice has a calming effect by the way =)